Getting your first insurance policy for your car may not be a priority, but it should be. Your first car insurance policy protects one of your first investments, your car. But buying your first insurance policy for your car can be complicated and often new car insurance shoppers fail to compare car insurance rates and in turn fail to reap the financial benefits of finding the best and affordable car insurance available to them.
Shopping for Your First Insurance Policy: Who Needs Car Insurance?
The question asked by most people shopping for their first insurance policy is who needs an insurance policy and why? The answer is simple: it’s the law. The DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) requires that you take financial responsibility for owning and operating a car in all fifty states. Car insurance protects you when you cause property damage or bodily injury to someone else when driving your car. If you are caught driving without car insurance you will be charged hefty penalties. Violators can face up to hundreds of dollars in fines for a first time offense. Also, if you are involved in an accident and do not have car insurance, your license may be suspended whether you are at fault or not.
Understand Your First Insurance Policy
Now that you know you know how important it is to get your first insurance policy for your car, you will want to understand how car insurance works before you start deciding on which company you will choose for your first insurance policy. The best place to start is Auto Insurance 101. This article will take you step by step in understanding car insurance. Once you understand how car insurance works and have an idea of what type of car insurance you need, you are on your way to the next step of finding the best and most affordable car insurance for you.
Just Because it is Your First Insurance Policy, that Does Not Mean You Have to Pay Too Much
This is often where first insurance policy buyers get sucked into paying too much for their car insurance. Don't just assume since you are purchasing your first insurance policy that you will have to pay extremely high premiums. Yes, you will pay higher premiums than people who have had car insurance for some time, but that does not mean you can not find affordable car insurance. You ask then how does one find the best and most affordable car insurance? Here is a checklist of ways to find affordable car insurance and the best first insurance for you:
Tips for How to Find the Best Affordable First Insurance
1. Compare first insurance rates online and locally.
2. Know what you need and how much of a first insurance policy so you don't buy more than you want.
3. Tell the car insurance company that you are comparing X amount of companies so they know that you are looking for the best deal.
4. When shopping online or locally for your first insurance policy, make sure you know what car insurance discounts you may be eligible for. If you are unsure, ask the insurance agent of all their discounts.
5. If you are choosing full coverage car insurance, remember the higher your deductible, the cheaper your car insurance premium will be.
6. If you feel an insurance company or agent is treating you unfairly or breaking the law, know how to file a complaint.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
About Car donation
In the US today it's possible to donate a vehicle (usually a car, but it can be a truck, RV, boat or any form of transportation) to selected charities, and in return be able to claim a tax deduction on a personal income tax return. For values that are less than $500, the value of the tax deduction comes from the donor's own estimate of the car's value, even if the charity receives less money for actually selling the car. In 2005, the IRS rules were tightened to prevent donors from pumping up their deductions. Under the new rules, the deduction depends on how the charity disposes of the vehicle.
If your junk or used automobile, truck, boat, motorcycle, RV or aircraft is no longer of use to you, it can still go a long way toward supporting the charity of your choice. Make sure you know where the title is when you email about a possible donation. Best of all, by not selling the car yourself, you don't have to worry about strangers calling you to get information about where you live, or coming to your house to see the car or other vehicle.
Repairable used car donations or other vehicles can be accepted provided the vehicle is repairable for less than what the charity could sell it for. There are a few exceptions in the new tax law compared to the old tax law, regarding the fair market value section, for example, you may base your deduction on the vehicle's fair market value if the charity ends up selling it to a needy individual at a discounted price or if the charity uses the car as part of its mission instead of selling it at a fair price. Charitable car donations are given to the selected recipients directly or they are sold and the money is given away as part of the charity function.
A charity organization car donation is usually picked up within one or two days of submitting the donation form. The amount you list on IRS Form 1098-C, "Contributions of Motor Vehicles, Boats, and Airplanes" will be under the gross proceeds of the deductible donation. And if you don't plan to deduct the vehicle donation on your tax return, no further action is needed. There are similar car donation tax laws in other countries.
You may have a junk, used or old vehicle sitting on your property or on the street that you don't use very often or at all. Cars or other vehicle that are not being used make good donations, enabling many less fortunate people to have a good means of transportation. Donating rather than selling is a good idea because there is no need to pay for any advertising, no loss of privacy and possible security risk, and no need to pay for vehicle registration, insurance or repairs to keep your car in running condition while you wait for a buyer.
Charities look at car donations from both the point of view of the donor of the car, and of the charity receiving it. The vehicle you plan to donate must not have any major parts missing. Also the donor is responsible to an extent to determine what the value is of their car donation.
One of the exceptions to the new IRS regulations allows donors to still deduct the fair market value of their vehicle, if the charity materially improves the car or vehicle. Regardless of the laws, it's a very good idea to protect yourself by having the proper insurance coverage on your vehicle until it's donated. In wear and tear, minor repairs and breakdowns, an average vehicle owner could easily spend $3000 per year.
Don't let your unused vehicle go to waste just sitting around gathering rust. It's easy to donate your car online to individual charities or to car donation programs that work for charities. Some charities that run their own program instead of hiring a car donation program middleman are discriminating about which vehicles they accept, repair and materially improve. They sell most of the donated vehicles at retail.
Also, if your car or vehicle is running, consider dropping it off at the charity yourself to save the organization from paying for towing costs. After making a connection by email or phone with the charity or charity program, just fill out the forms they give you and have them ready for the driver when he/she comes to pick up the car.
There are many charitable car donation programs to choose from today including: Purple Heart, Kidney Foundation, Our Lady of the Wayside, Salvation Army, Goodwill Industries, Make a Wish Foundation, American Red Cross, and blind, Jewish and cancer charities among many others.
From classic cars, antique cars to junk or salvage automobiles, your donated car may earn you a nice tax deduction, and help make a big difference in the lives of others. Choosing the best charitable car donation program or best charity for your car donation can be overwhelming sometimes and you want to make sure your choice is the best and right one for you.
If your junk or used automobile, truck, boat, motorcycle, RV or aircraft is no longer of use to you, it can still go a long way toward supporting the charity of your choice. Make sure you know where the title is when you email about a possible donation. Best of all, by not selling the car yourself, you don't have to worry about strangers calling you to get information about where you live, or coming to your house to see the car or other vehicle.
Repairable used car donations or other vehicles can be accepted provided the vehicle is repairable for less than what the charity could sell it for. There are a few exceptions in the new tax law compared to the old tax law, regarding the fair market value section, for example, you may base your deduction on the vehicle's fair market value if the charity ends up selling it to a needy individual at a discounted price or if the charity uses the car as part of its mission instead of selling it at a fair price. Charitable car donations are given to the selected recipients directly or they are sold and the money is given away as part of the charity function.
A charity organization car donation is usually picked up within one or two days of submitting the donation form. The amount you list on IRS Form 1098-C, "Contributions of Motor Vehicles, Boats, and Airplanes" will be under the gross proceeds of the deductible donation. And if you don't plan to deduct the vehicle donation on your tax return, no further action is needed. There are similar car donation tax laws in other countries.
You may have a junk, used or old vehicle sitting on your property or on the street that you don't use very often or at all. Cars or other vehicle that are not being used make good donations, enabling many less fortunate people to have a good means of transportation. Donating rather than selling is a good idea because there is no need to pay for any advertising, no loss of privacy and possible security risk, and no need to pay for vehicle registration, insurance or repairs to keep your car in running condition while you wait for a buyer.
Charities look at car donations from both the point of view of the donor of the car, and of the charity receiving it. The vehicle you plan to donate must not have any major parts missing. Also the donor is responsible to an extent to determine what the value is of their car donation.
One of the exceptions to the new IRS regulations allows donors to still deduct the fair market value of their vehicle, if the charity materially improves the car or vehicle. Regardless of the laws, it's a very good idea to protect yourself by having the proper insurance coverage on your vehicle until it's donated. In wear and tear, minor repairs and breakdowns, an average vehicle owner could easily spend $3000 per year.
Don't let your unused vehicle go to waste just sitting around gathering rust. It's easy to donate your car online to individual charities or to car donation programs that work for charities. Some charities that run their own program instead of hiring a car donation program middleman are discriminating about which vehicles they accept, repair and materially improve. They sell most of the donated vehicles at retail.
Also, if your car or vehicle is running, consider dropping it off at the charity yourself to save the organization from paying for towing costs. After making a connection by email or phone with the charity or charity program, just fill out the forms they give you and have them ready for the driver when he/she comes to pick up the car.
There are many charitable car donation programs to choose from today including: Purple Heart, Kidney Foundation, Our Lady of the Wayside, Salvation Army, Goodwill Industries, Make a Wish Foundation, American Red Cross, and blind, Jewish and cancer charities among many others.
From classic cars, antique cars to junk or salvage automobiles, your donated car may earn you a nice tax deduction, and help make a big difference in the lives of others. Choosing the best charitable car donation program or best charity for your car donation can be overwhelming sometimes and you want to make sure your choice is the best and right one for you.
Earn Benefits with Car donation
A car donation is when you donate your old car to charity. This donation is usually channeled through car donation services, which are non-profit organizations with the sole purpose of handling donated cars to charity programs for affiliated charitable institutions.
Convenient and Cost-Free Donation
If you are planning to sell an old car, you've probably been asked to check donate car to charity programs. Yet, you are probably asking why you should donate car to charity. Why not just sell the car instead? Although you do not get money in return for your car when you donate car to charity, you will be saved from all the tedious task of selling your car. With donate car to charity programs, you will experience the convenience and speed of getting rid an old car. Donate car to charity programs makes donation as easy as possible for you by handling every task and paperwork there is.
When you go for donate car to charity programs, the first and last thing you will do is to contact a car donation services. Within 24 to 48 hours, this service will pick up your car, hand you a receipt in return and take care of the rest of the donation process. Donate car to charity programs have three ways of handling donated cars: (1) sell the car at auctions, (2) assigns the car for use of a family or individual or (3) use the car for their charitable operations. When the first option is used, the proceeds from the sale are used for charitable causes, so you are sure that you help the needy whatever way your car is used.
Recipients for donate car to charity programs may vary depending on the causes that the charitable institution supports. Their causes may vary from helping typhoon or hurricane victims, disabled people, battered individuals, homeless individuals or cancer patients. If you are inclined to a particular charity cause, you may want to go with a donate car to charity program that supports it. If not, inquire if your supported charitable cause can be accommodated.
Aside from convenience and being able to help those in need, donate car to charity programs will save you from any expenses. Car donation services accept all kinds of cars in any condition so you will not need to refurbish your car. And since cars are sold at auctions, you will be saved from advertising expenses as well. Donate car to charity programs doesn't only spells convenience but cost-free as well.
Earn Tax Savings
Moreover, you benefit from a tax break or savings when you go for donate car to charity programs. The federal government allows tax deductions from car donations to charity. Typically, the tax deduction is equivalent to the gross sales amount of the donated car but is not entirely limited to this. The fair market value, which is usually a bigger value, can be used as a tax deduction provided that these two conditions are met: (1) when the donated car is used directly for charitable causes and (2) when improvements are made on the car.
Going for donate car to charity programs will definitely save you from the complexities and hassles of selling your car. But before you contact and car donation services and donate to charity, there are a few things you have to consider. To make sure that the non-profit organization offering the donate car to charity program has a legal personality, look for a 501(c) (3) charity organization classification.
Convenient and Cost-Free Donation
If you are planning to sell an old car, you've probably been asked to check donate car to charity programs. Yet, you are probably asking why you should donate car to charity. Why not just sell the car instead? Although you do not get money in return for your car when you donate car to charity, you will be saved from all the tedious task of selling your car. With donate car to charity programs, you will experience the convenience and speed of getting rid an old car. Donate car to charity programs makes donation as easy as possible for you by handling every task and paperwork there is.
When you go for donate car to charity programs, the first and last thing you will do is to contact a car donation services. Within 24 to 48 hours, this service will pick up your car, hand you a receipt in return and take care of the rest of the donation process. Donate car to charity programs have three ways of handling donated cars: (1) sell the car at auctions, (2) assigns the car for use of a family or individual or (3) use the car for their charitable operations. When the first option is used, the proceeds from the sale are used for charitable causes, so you are sure that you help the needy whatever way your car is used.
Recipients for donate car to charity programs may vary depending on the causes that the charitable institution supports. Their causes may vary from helping typhoon or hurricane victims, disabled people, battered individuals, homeless individuals or cancer patients. If you are inclined to a particular charity cause, you may want to go with a donate car to charity program that supports it. If not, inquire if your supported charitable cause can be accommodated.
Aside from convenience and being able to help those in need, donate car to charity programs will save you from any expenses. Car donation services accept all kinds of cars in any condition so you will not need to refurbish your car. And since cars are sold at auctions, you will be saved from advertising expenses as well. Donate car to charity programs doesn't only spells convenience but cost-free as well.
Earn Tax Savings
Moreover, you benefit from a tax break or savings when you go for donate car to charity programs. The federal government allows tax deductions from car donations to charity. Typically, the tax deduction is equivalent to the gross sales amount of the donated car but is not entirely limited to this. The fair market value, which is usually a bigger value, can be used as a tax deduction provided that these two conditions are met: (1) when the donated car is used directly for charitable causes and (2) when improvements are made on the car.
Going for donate car to charity programs will definitely save you from the complexities and hassles of selling your car. But before you contact and car donation services and donate to charity, there are a few things you have to consider. To make sure that the non-profit organization offering the donate car to charity program has a legal personality, look for a 501(c) (3) charity organization classification.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Ferari 360

Ferrari 360 spider is a two-seat sports car. The 360 spider model comes without the hard roof and known as convertible model which similar to transporter 2 Lamborghini. Ferrari 360 is an entirely new all-aluminum space-frame chassis that was 40% stiffer than the F355, and it works as the replacement for Ferrari F355 as well.
Ferrari 360 spider
• 3.6 liters V8 engine @ 400bhp
• Torque: 274 lb-ft @ 4750 rpm
• Suspension: Aluminum double wishbone
• Transmission: 6-speed manual
• Wheel Base: 102.36 inches
• Brakes: 4-wheel vent. Disc
• Weight: 3196 lbs
• Top speed of the 360 spider can go up to 300km/h (186mph)
• 0 – 100 km/h (0 – 62.14 mph) in just 4.4 seconds
• Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): 10 mpg city / 16 mpg highway (24 Liters / 100km and 14 Liters / 100km). Also check out the Gasoline price history.
• Fuel capacity: 95 Liters (25Galon). Full tank of gasoline approximately can go for about 395km (245 miles).
• Price: Approximately US$167,629
Ferrari 360 produced from late 1999 until 2005, but the 360 spider was launched in year 2000. The spider weighs is around 60 kg (130 lbs) more than the coupe. What makes the Ferrari 360 spider special is the fabric hood which folds down in 20 seconds and it is hidden under a rear deck with twin ‘speed humps’ that also conceal the roll-over hoops, isn’t it cool enough?
Handling of 360 Spider
The 360 Spider is one of the best convertible super exotic sports cars and has the sort of handling. The low profile tyres helps to absorb on rough roads and the car is firmly set and errs very much on the sports side of suspension set-up.
Ferrari 360 spider price is considered reasonable. It is Ferrari’s 20th road-going convertible and record breaker in terms of engineering, looks, and performance. It has the most advanced convertible available today that the hood able to fold inside the engine bay regardless of the hood up or down, the engine still visible under its clear glass cover.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Invisible Car
Invisible stuff has always been seen in movies and cartoons, but an artist Sara Watson of University of Central Lancashire has got this fantasy in reality. Well, she didn't literally made a car invisible but with the help of spray paints created an optical illusion so as to make her old Skoda Fabia invisible. This art work done by her is actually the reminiscent of the work of pavement artist Julian Beever whose work has caused a storm in central London.

Julian Beever uses a camera lens to look at the stretch of pavement he is working on and visualize the picture. He then plots a drawing which will play tricks on the way in which our minds 'read' perspective to create an impression of depth on the flat surface of the paving stones. Among his other works he has created a deep swimming pool realistic enough that shoppers swerve to avoid it, chalked on the street.
I am really impressed by Sara Watson, because creating such an art piece is not an easy task. Maybe one day we might see her doing some pavement on the streets of London.

Julian Beever uses a camera lens to look at the stretch of pavement he is working on and visualize the picture. He then plots a drawing which will play tricks on the way in which our minds 'read' perspective to create an impression of depth on the flat surface of the paving stones. Among his other works he has created a deep swimming pool realistic enough that shoppers swerve to avoid it, chalked on the street.
I am really impressed by Sara Watson, because creating such an art piece is not an easy task. Maybe one day we might see her doing some pavement on the streets of London.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Citroen GT Concept

Long, slender, French. We're not talking about the booth babes at this week's Paris motor show, but of the Citroen GT - a two-seat sports car concept with an interesting design history.
In this instance, the 'GT' nomenclature refers not only to the car's class or sporting aspirations, but to its history. Citroen's designers partnered with the tech-whizzes over at Polyphony Digital, the corporate entity behind the successful Gran Turismo video game. Though we first heard the two were collaborating at the 2008 Geneva motor show, the Paris venue is our first look at the finished product.
Early teaser photos indicated the car would be long, low, and wide. Indeed, the GT is that, but not quite the Audi R8-clone those photos suggested. Many of the myriad scoops, fins, spoilers, and fussy details are so - well, Citroen.
Though it looks to be a mid-engine sports car, technically there isn't even an engine. Thinking green (though it's painted white), the GT's rear wheels are driven by electric motors, powered in turn by a hydrogen fuel cell.
Though we doubt it'll ever reach production, let alone reach the U.S., you may still have a chance to drive it. Go power-up your Playstation 3 and boot up Gran Turismo 5: Prologue - we hear you're now able to download the Citroen and take it for a spin.
Renault Megane Trophy

If there's one French recipe we love, it's this: take a mundane Renault economy car, fit it with wild bodywork, and shoehorn a powerful motor in lieu of a rear seat. That procedure worked wonders for cars like the 5 Turbo and Clio Renault Sport, and it looks as if the new 2009 Renault Megane Trophy, unveiled at this week's Paris motor show, will be no exception.
We'll give Renault some credit - we were expecting to see the new Megane, completely restyled and re-worked for 2009, but we weren't expecting to see this. And how could we not? With a track as wide as the Champs-Elysees and an extremely chopped roofline, the Megane Trophy has the visual gravitas of a true sports car - or at least its 5 Turbo ancestor.
It does, thankfully, carry some performance credentials to match. Behind the cockpit lies a Nissan-sourced 3.5-liter V-6, tuned to the key of some 360 hp. Renault claims that 30-hp boost comes courtesy of forced-air induction, which is ducted through a scoop mounted just above the windshield.
Incredibly, Renault says the Megane Trophy can turn similar lap times to a Porsche 911 GT3, but we may never see for ourselves. The Megane Trophy will be relegated to Renault's one-make Eurocup Megane Trophy series - and while that may make for some interesting spec-racing, we'd love to see one of these mix it up with a GT3 out at Le Mans.
Hispano Suiza

Switzerland's latest limited-volume production car made its world debut in Geneva (where else?), reviving a storied name that once adorned some of the world's most expensive cars. Striving not to break that tradition, the new car lists for 700,000 Euro ($949,300 by today's exchange rate). At first glance, that seems excessive, considering that it is largely based on the Audi R8 5.2, which tops out at 163,210 Euro ($221,300) in Germany.
But the company points out that while they start with an Audi R8 5.2, they completely disassemble it, stretch the front of the spaceframe, fit a completely new interior (it does incorporate door pull handles, the Bang & Olufsen stereo, vents, and more) and replace every body panel. The long, low, angular design may look better in person than it does in pictures (some staffers were reviled by the photos). It will certainly turn heads. The design is that of Erwin Leo Himmel (Audi 1982-1994, VW Group Design Centre Europe 1995-1999, Fuore 2000-2007), and it is rendered entirely in carbon fiber.
The suspension is all uniquely Hispano Suiza and the center-lock 22-inch wheels are forged of an aluminum-titanium alloy and shod in Michelin Pilot Sport PS2 tires, sized 275/25 in front, 295/25 in back. Customers can choose a six-speed manual or auto-clutch manual. Supplying the power to all four corners is a 5.2-liter V-10 modified by Motoren Technik Mayer (MTM), and fitted with twin electric superchargers that, along with other modifications, boost output to 739 horsepower and 516 pound-feet of torque. That's enough to launch the car to 62 mph in 3.4 seconds and onward to a top speed of 211 mph.
Orders are being taken now for delivery in six months, and plans are already underway for a hybrid variant with a 150-horse electric motor driving the front wheels, providing a total horsepower of 889 and short-range electric-only propulsion for city centers. There is also a convertible variant in the works, expected to go on sale next year. The company hopes to build 25-50 cars per year, but are there that many filthy rich, historically astute car-lovers out there to buy them?
Audi R8 GT
No longer are 0-60 times or top speeds the measure of a sports car. No, it seems in this day and age, any sports coupe truly worth its salt has a limited-edition monster that further pushes the perfomance envelope. Cars affixed with names like Scuderia, Superleggera, GT3 RS, and ACR-X are evidence of today's demand for no-nonsense road monsters, sacrificing comfort and practicality for purpose and sheer speed. Audi’s R8 was billed as an everyday supercar when it was released and the addition of a V-10 in the latest example hasn’t done anything to change that impression. But such a reputation is a double edged sword, with some dismissing the mid-engined Audi as too soft, or without soul.
Fewer people will be saying that about the 2011 Audi R8 GT, but mind you, this is still no anorexic skin-and-Kate Moss. Consider that Audi’s Quattro all-wheel drive system is retained, as is the stereo and climate control system. There are no Spartan nylon door pulls or bare aluminum floor panels to be found and the R8 GT retains the majority of its sound insulation. For the most part, the R8 GT’s diet consists of lighter materials – no easy task when the standard car already boasts an aluminum space frame and magnesium chassis.
Still, engineers set to work using thinner glass for the windscreen and polycarbonate for the rear window and engine cover, saving 20 pounds. The R8 GT’s sheetmetal is of a lighter gauge and cutouts were made to the aluminum luggage hatch, while the rear hatch itself was remolded in carbon fiber-reinforced plastic, along with the car’s trademark sideblades and rear bumper – another 35 pounds lost. Weight was also removed from the power brake system, battery, air intake module, engine compartment insulation, and exhaust system. Inside, glass-reinforced plastic helps lighten the seats (69 pounds saved), while the carpet was also made slightly thinner and lighter for an additional 17 pounds. Combined with other weight-saving measures, a hair over 220 pounds was shaved off the R8 V10, bringing total curb weight down to 3362 pounds.
The next step in building the ultimate road-going R8 is to bring in more power. Displacement remains at 5.2-liters, but the R8 GT’s Lamborghini-derived V-10 engine now pumps out 560 horsepower and 398 pound-feet of torque (up from 525 horses and 391 pound-feet). Combine those figures with the R8 GT’s reduced mass, and you end up with a power-to-weight ratio of six pounds to every horsepower. Audi will only offer its R tronic single-clutch six-speed sequential gearbox (itself a derivative of Lamborghini’s e-gear system), but performance won’t suffer. Audi says the R8 GT hits the 62 mph mark in just 3.6 seconds, the 124 mph mark in 10.8 seconds, and rockets on to a top speed of nearly 199 mph
Fewer people will be saying that about the 2011 Audi R8 GT, but mind you, this is still no anorexic skin-and-Kate Moss. Consider that Audi’s Quattro all-wheel drive system is retained, as is the stereo and climate control system. There are no Spartan nylon door pulls or bare aluminum floor panels to be found and the R8 GT retains the majority of its sound insulation. For the most part, the R8 GT’s diet consists of lighter materials – no easy task when the standard car already boasts an aluminum space frame and magnesium chassis.
Still, engineers set to work using thinner glass for the windscreen and polycarbonate for the rear window and engine cover, saving 20 pounds. The R8 GT’s sheetmetal is of a lighter gauge and cutouts were made to the aluminum luggage hatch, while the rear hatch itself was remolded in carbon fiber-reinforced plastic, along with the car’s trademark sideblades and rear bumper – another 35 pounds lost. Weight was also removed from the power brake system, battery, air intake module, engine compartment insulation, and exhaust system. Inside, glass-reinforced plastic helps lighten the seats (69 pounds saved), while the carpet was also made slightly thinner and lighter for an additional 17 pounds. Combined with other weight-saving measures, a hair over 220 pounds was shaved off the R8 V10, bringing total curb weight down to 3362 pounds.
The next step in building the ultimate road-going R8 is to bring in more power. Displacement remains at 5.2-liters, but the R8 GT’s Lamborghini-derived V-10 engine now pumps out 560 horsepower and 398 pound-feet of torque (up from 525 horses and 391 pound-feet). Combine those figures with the R8 GT’s reduced mass, and you end up with a power-to-weight ratio of six pounds to every horsepower. Audi will only offer its R tronic single-clutch six-speed sequential gearbox (itself a derivative of Lamborghini’s e-gear system), but performance won’t suffer. Audi says the R8 GT hits the 62 mph mark in just 3.6 seconds, the 124 mph mark in 10.8 seconds, and rockets on to a top speed of nearly 199 mph
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Suzuki Builds 290 HP Turbocharged Kizashi Concept

it’s no secret that Suzuki wants a more powerful engine to slot under the hood of its new Kizashi sedan, but we’re still a ways away from seeing a turbocharged Kizashi reach the showroom floor. That hasn’t stopped the Japanese automaker from partnering with Road Race Motor sports to build a one-off Kizashi Turbo show car.
Having partnered on a previous Kizashi for the 2009 SEMA show (pictured), the two firms started with an early pre-production Kizashi, and added a turbocharger, intercooler, and a host of suspension upgrades. Thanks to forced induction, power from the Kizashi’s 2.4-liter I-4 is boosted to 290 horsepower -- an increase of 105 ponies over its stock form. Other power-enhancing upgrades include a cold air intake, new fuel injectors, and a customized fuel management system.
We’ve been singing praise for the Kizashi’s chassis tuning for some time now, but Road Race sought to make the recipe even sweeter. The company added its own sport springs to keep the car’s four contact patches firmly planted. Larger 19-inch Dunlop tires were also added for extra grip, and a new rear-mounted spoiler reportedly increases the car’s high-speed stability.
How’s it look? Well, we’ve yet to see the finished product. Suzuki hasn’t unveiled the car, but it will make an appearance on Speed TV’s "Test Drive," which begins airing on April 30. We’re told legendary racer Tommy Kendall will have a chance to flog the boosted ‘Zuk around the Willow Springs Raceway, located in Rosamond, California.
Although the Kizashi turbo is a concept, we expect a more powerful Kizashi to reach the assembly lines in the next few years. Suzuki is already working with its new corporate partner -- Volkswagen -- to find a more powerful mill that will fit underhood. May we suggest the turbocharged 2.0-liter I-4 found in the likes of the Volkswagen GTI?
Google phone Nexus One

While many may have just ordered the new Google phone Nexus One and awaiting delivery, there is no need to be agitated by the scene of these image renderings. The forum Mobile01 has become the source of these, most likely just fan-made illustrations and predictions of what could be Google’s next phone, the “Nexus Two”.Physically, the phone appears to be like a Droid/Milestone crossover with a nice physical sliding QWERTY, its also being called the Motorola Shadow. But at this point, we should probably call this a concept rather than an actual leak / rumor as there is not evidence of any link between this and an upcoming Google phone.
Motorola ENZO or Backflip

Motorola gives the first Android powered phone to AT&T network. And the factor which makes this Android phone more special is the name “Backflip”, which lets you to flip the screen while closing the phone. Motorola Backflip is officially known as Motorola ENZO and features Motorola BLUR, the social networking layer.
Although, Motorola ENZO is an Android phone but it does not feature any of the Google Applications except for Google Maps. ENZO features back folding QWERTY keyboard and this leads to the unconventional positioning of its 5 megapixel camera which is at the left bottom corner of the keyboard.
This Android phone from Motorola features a large touchpad which would help you to access all the content on the screen at maximum comfort levels.Motorola Backflip features a 3.1 inch display screen with 320 x 480 resolution. Its 528 MHz processor, 256 MB RAM and 512 MB ROM makes it a powerful and fast smart phone.
Although, Motorola ENZO or Backflip looks quite similar to Motorola Cliq and some of its features are evident to this fact too. But some of the differences make Backflip a completely different Android powered phone.
Its reverse hinge design is the most innovative and interesting factor added to this phone by Motorola. So, when you flip back the keyboard to close the phone, the display screen faces over its keyboard.
With Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS connectivity, Motorola ENZO is a one complete smart phone that you might be looking for.
MSI GE600: Latest gaming notebook

Notebooks have always been a huge must have, but we all know that not all notebooks are suitable for gaming. Well MSI wanted to change that and it has announced that it will release new gaming notebook named GE600.
The new model has a 16-inch display and it is supposed to be the lightest laptop weighing in at 5.9 lbs or 2.7 kg. So that’s a great plus from MSI, because nobody likes to carry a heavy laptop, but will this laptop have enough to deal with latest games?
This thing is run by Intel Core i5 processor, which will handle all the latest games and applications with ease, but it’s the graphics power that matters when it comes to gaming . As for graphics GE600 uses ATI Radeon 5730 graphics that supports DirectX 11 which is used to run the latest games. As for the power, this notebook is a power saver thanks to the Core i5 which will save up to 15% of your battery, and with its Turbo Boost option it will provide 30% better performance.
As for other specifications this notebook supports 1366×768 resolution and 4 GB DDR3 RAM which will allow smooth ride thought all the applications and games that you might use. 320 GB hard drive is more than enough for all your files. As for software, it comes with Microsoft’s Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit edition.
With its great specifications this laptop will surely satisfy all your gaming needs and as for the price, it costs around $900.
HP All-in-One 200t desktop

Here’s LogicBUY’s latest gadget deal of the day for a HP All-in-One 200t desktop. The All-in-One 200t is ready to streamline your life and there’s no need for a separate PC tower.The fallout of Michael Arrington from the CrunchPad left Fusion Garage standing nowhere. Since then they have been trying hard to sell JooJoo tablet (the formerly famous CrunchPad) but evidences prove that they have sold as low as sixty four tablets only up till now. We understand that even Europeans won’t be interested in the €359 (plus €15 for shipping) tablet yet we write for those rare richie-riches who want to shell their money on this .The 12.1 inches LCD display of JooJoo tablet is pretty impressive but still hasn’t yet impressed the market. It boasts of the Intel Atom processor with processing speed of 1.6 GHz. Graphics will be provided by NVIDIA ION platform and it has the resolution of 1366×768. It runs a custom Linux operating system which lets you enjoy online surfing with a on-screen keyboard. Yeah! This is all that it provides. After all it is made for Internet surfing only!
Friday, April 30, 2010
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